"It's been so long since last time I watch the scenery here.",

I said to myself this Wednesday while watching a familiar scene at school.

The word "scene" means not only things in sight but those what were deep in my heart.

In other words, it's been so long for me to consider what was deep in my heart.

Since last time I've been rejected, it has broken my self-confidence.

I don't blame her. Instead, I blame myself for being such a fool.

A mental test told me that I could only one's "best friend" rather than "boy friend"!

Surely that so far, it's true.

I've always wanted to be a psychologist in order to discover what are deep in our heart.

Also, on account of exploring myself ,and it results from my interest.

Due to my personality, I am a good listener.

To help my friends find the way to get through hard time makes me feel satisfied.

Upon seeing someone is upset, I'm always ready to help.

Is it good or bad?

I've always wondered whether being more thoughtful than others do is necessary or not.

You feel warm when you know someone cares about you.

That's geat, but it's not viewed as how a normal person is supposed to be

We consider it abnormal in this emotionless society.

Being a considerate person is regared as an improtant element.

Yet maybe not a really good idea to normal friends or even strangers.

Probobaly it's not as serious as I think.

But I'm certain that my insistence is being challenged.

And this might be not just a question that I've been wondering,

But an issue which should be discussed in the modern society as well.
    創作者 浩庭 的頭像

    想讓時間停止流轉 化做永恆~☆

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