Well...well...well today, 2/15 2011

The first winter vacation of my university career is nearly over.

Next Monday will be the first week of the next semester.

Recollect this vacation...I don't think that I've made good use of it

On account of the same reason that as I'm sitting in front of my NB

and a day may be wasted after that.

That doesn't mean I don't leave the chair, that means laziness

Despite the fact that I have the sense which I know that

I shouldn't waste too much time at home, but I don't really what to do then.

Read books, training, go out for a walk or go somewhere else...

Actually, I ought to have much to do, yet I don't know the reason why

I just can't stop feeling empty?

Chinese New Year of course, being at home by myself should have much freedom,

but as not much things have been done, nothing special happened then.

For now, new semester is nearly started, maybe keeping busy as before,

will let days become precious.

Whatever, thinking optimistically I didn't really waste them all, did I?

Surely I've done something more than before during vacation though.

Maybe as days become more and more busy in the coming semester,

those vacations may no longer be empty if I'm really busy that time!

No matter how it was for this one, all I know is that the school begins next Monday.

Good luck for me to past this semester then! Cheer up!!
    創作者 浩庭 的頭像

    想讓時間停止流轉 化做永恆~☆

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